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Prabhat Patnaik on MSP
Prof. Prabhat Patnaik on Imperialism and the Third World Agriculture
Utsa Patnaik on Global interests
Panel on "Financing Development in an Unequal World"
Farmers & Workers: An UnbeatableĀ Force!
Imperialism Then and Now: Drain of Wealth, Depression, Role of the State and Globalization-Pt 2/3
Neo-liberalism and the Abridgement of Freedom | Prabhat Patnaik
Economic Character of a Colonial Economy by Prof Prabhat Patnaik
'Abandoning Self Sufficiency in Foodgrains Is Disastrous Policy'
Measuring Inequality: Between Limits and Possibilities
YSI Plenary: Heterodox Economics - Perspectives from the Global South
Prof. Utsa Patnaik on Marx and today's World.